Friday 4 April 2014

A little bit of this and that

I still have been stitching the dog. This is part of Project eternity. This is the third square of the blanket. 18 more left. Ouch! I really need to do more than one in a year...

Knitting for Miss N goes slowly on. :)

I need to go to check out something again what comes to my woolly secret and I found a beehive! It was tiny; just 3cm diameter! But She had never before seen a beehive and screamed "a spider nest, a spider nest". I didn't notice it at my last visit but of course she did! :)

 I also did something a bit dangerous. I went to the wood shed and climbed to the loft. It was a bit exciting because I had my winter coat on and there's no stairs. I used the ladder if it can be called so. Actually it is just few timbers nailed at the wall... But I was seeking something for my woolly secret. And I found them. I still am missing one thing from there but it was too far for me to reach. Someone else needs to get it for me.

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