
-no overconsumption world

Fast fashion is out of fashion! 

The next mega-trend in fashion business is FashionNOW. 

It is already here and you can notice the most fashionable icons stepping into it already. The most trendic people have followed it all the time over the decades and centuries. That is a proof FashionNOW is not going away and it has arrived back to stay. Neither it's not a new invent, just a new outfit for a classic style. 

What is FashionNOW? 
  1. NOW stands for "no overconsumption world".
  2. Instead of 52 micro collections we return to 2 seasonal collections: winter and summer. This gives you time to think and consider what exactly you want and need so it is you who decide what to do with your money; not algorithm, traders or dealers.
  3. Prefer natural fibers.
  4. Textiles and clothes made of recycled plastic is just a green-wash and not a real environmental friendly solution.
What you need to know about it?

Fashion business is one of the biggest polluters on The Planet Earth. 

We have been waiting for so long the governments and politicians to make the solutions. We ask them to change the legislation and trade rules. But actually we don't need them for this. We need us: me and you. It is the money that talks so let it talk. Let's make the change by our choices. We can't escape the responsibility and put the others in the charge of this. It is me and you who shop. Me and you have the power that this change needs. We decide what we buy. And the most important thing is that if it doesn't satisfy us to face our demands we don't need to buy it. We can always say no.

FashionNOW is a life style and a state of mind. It starts from the garments but once you've got the point, it reaches out into every part of your life. That makes FashionNOW to turn your life more sustainable in many ways and levels. This means also the cosmetics and how you use or don't use the cosmetic industry.

How to get into it?
  1. Start today. 
  2. Go through your wardrobe and stash. Stashes about everything. Make an inventory about it all that you have.
  3. Don't throw anything away. Just don't. Usually the instruction to turn your life more sustainable are: "make an inventory" "throw away everything that is not organic, ecologic or sustainable or is just vain in your life" "buy new things to replace the old ones and make sustainable choices in your shopping". But that is just a green wash. Real sustainable solution is to find out what you already have, keep it and find the use for it and not to buy anything to replace it. 
  4. Dare to wear the same clothes again and again. It is a sign of high education, awareness and knowledge. It is a sign of it that you have got a proper shop with good quality and design. 
  5. Learn to patch and mend or find out someone who can do it for you.
  6. How the others know you are in FashionNow and not just a poor who can't afford things? Well, poor-shaming is stupidity and proof of lack of education. If you poor-shame or are afraid of being poor-shamed, you are not just yet ready for FashionNOW: learn more.

Dare to wear!

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