
I welcome all craft makers to visit my blog. Please remember few facts especially then when printing and copying the materials from my blog.

All the copyrights are mine despite you are allowed to print out & copy free charts for your own private purposes! (Not for sharing or selling forward!)

You are not allowed to change any original information.

You must always name from where you found the material ( → ) and that the copyrights are mine (TaijaS or Taija Sillanpää).

The free charts you find from my blog you can print and copy for free without any fee but remember the contact information must always stay visible in these print outs or copies (the address of the blog or name of the designer).

I own and have all the rights for the free charts, pictures etc. that are published all around on this blog. Even to the text I write. These are normal copyright laws. Using any material for any purpose is illegal; except these free charts for your own use.

This site and all the information is built up for you and shared with for your own fun.

Instead of copying pictures etc. to share around please create a link (text or picture) so that other people can find their way to the original place of the information.
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