
It has been a long time since I have had an exhibition. I am happy to announce that on 2023 I have slowly started to work for a new exhibition tour. I seek interesting places to put it up. I seek gallerias where you can hang things from the ceiling. I prefer natural shade places build of timber or stone. No typical white gallerias. If any ideas, send a message. You do know how. ;) 


Private textile art exhibition Winter Magic
Kuusamo main library, Kuusamo, Finland
3.3. - 27.3.2015

Private textile art exhibition Winter Magic
Galleria Kieppi, Suomussalmi, Finland
1. - 27.2.2015

Private textile art exhibition Winter Magic
Rovaniemi Main Library, Rovaniemi, Finland
 3.1. - 25.1.2015

Private textile art exhibition Winter Magic
at the press gallery of Pohjolan Sanomat. Kemi
3.11. - 28.11.2014

Co-exhibition organized by Kapiokirstu ry at Tervakoski library, Tervakoski, Finland
6.8. - 3.9.2014
Included my "Letter to Santa" which won the 2nd prize at the competition "Juhlaa" (celebration).
At the exhibition you can pay low copy fee and copy the charts (4 x A4 pages) of the Advent Calendar pockets.

Private textile art exhibition "Sanoja" ("Words") at Simo library, Finland
5.8. - 29.8.2014

Private textile art exhibition "Unelmia" ("Dreams") at Kemi library, Finland
1.8. - 29.8.2014

Co-exhibition by members of Kapiokirstu ry
Onnellisia virtauksia at Galleria Virinä, Virrat, Finland.
24.6. - 17.7.2014
My craft there:
Advent Calendar "Letter to Santa"
Framed cross stitch projects:
"Naali Napakettu" and "Murheellinen jääkarhunpentu"

Private textile art exhibition at Nurmijärvi library, Finland.
1.7 - 27.7.2014
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