Sunday 28 February 2016

All that She W A N T S ...

... is a dress. She -YoungLady & HerVeryOwnSelf- dreams about a dress. Multifunctional one. No, there is no single one under the sky... Well, She is smart and said there might be one for sale but we don't know where. So she had an idea. She remembered Her VeryDearSweetSuperCuteMom is a cloth designer who can make A N Y T H I N G. So she shoved me a pic on internet and said; this one but not that part but similar than here but made like that including those except these and... That was the point where I said S T O P, just draw me a picture about it FROM EVERY DIRECTION. And that was what She actually did. See the picture above. There are figures from front, back, sides, up and down! :)

This is not my design, it is YoungLadyDesign. It is TheMEKKO :)

And here we go: Mom's Pattern Studio. Here we start. Except BiG BiG hurray. She wants to sew it! If I agree to advice Her. I am glad to do so! It reduces my work a huge amount of hours!
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