Sunday 10 May 2020

Spring indeed

It is not green-time in my garden yet. I show you it anyway just to give you good tips how to fertilize your garden in easy, practical and eco-friendly way.

I never take anything out from my garden. Meaning that I use everything as compost. You don't need to process it all through a real man-made plastic compost. You can use it all in layers to cover your flowerbeds, put it under the shrubs, apple trees etc. Layers is the point. How? As long as you remember to put something hard (branches etc.) to form out a layer every now and then it will be just fine. These layers of open compost made of hard material make it more breathable, spongy and airy so that the process can go on.

This invites also birds to investigate what might be hidden there. Slowly, with the birds, the other animals dare to follow.

At the moment in my garden is a lot of going on. He is making the new fence for which we need 1,8 m high and 58 m long net. We need it for my little Mother's Day gift.

I wish you all -the mothers and heart spirited as mothers'- a very happy Mother's Day on this very special time.
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