Saturday, 6 August 2016


When July turned to August TheBigChange arrived into MyLife. I don't know did the extraordinary strong and long thunders brought it or was it opposite. But which ever it was we have had daily local and country wide thunder storms for about fortnight.

 Good thing to notice is that Nuka is not afraid of thunder at all. She is very clever comfort the little ones who are terrified because of the weather. The pouring rain does good to MyGarden as long as it is up to short showers. Nuka has learnt to love the water so she doesn't mind about getting wet. But she thinks it was very weird indeed what I started to do. I am still in the middle of it and start to think she was -at the end- in right. I should not have started to do it. See: MyLibrary is moving. It consists of 11 shelves. 5 of them are finished by now. 6 more to go. Piles of books everywhere. Sore hands picking each book up, cleaning it and finding the new place in another room for it where we are moving the shelves. Right now I think was it really so that I had nothing else to do in August?

TheBigChange was launched because MrW moved out. It is a change planned over a year so it was no kind of surprise. We helped him to move 750 km far away and pampered ourselves with a nice hotel. Moving -no matter is it inside or outside your house- needs always a lot of action with huge work. This time there was moving out and inside changes in MyHouse. Also electrician is needed so that we can have both; library and guest room.

Despite all these moving and gardening demands at this time of year we have been happy to help a friend out. If you have a horse -small or big- you know that going on a holiday doesn't happen easy. You need to find someone to look after your pet which is very different thing than re-locating your cat for a week or two over your holiday. But we are happy to help with this fabulous animal! Despite it means a lot of responsibility and dirty work; not only galloping to the sunset! :)
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