Friday 28 November 2014

I am N O T

...a shopaholic...

... but I may be a yarnaholic...

I found these very needed yarns at MyFavouriteYarnShop
I so love it that they 
A L W A Y S 
have something on sale. 
Just 1€ / ball. 
Fair indeed!

I was introduced also these because I might need them in my VerySecretProject.

There is always such a good service at that shop. This time I bothered the ladies by one demanding need (oops, again). I wanted white -rather with bling bling or glitter- yarn; but as long as they can offer me yarn that has approximately 300 - 330m / 100g and it is - W H I T E - I am SuperHyperHappy.

It is always as amazing as it would be the 1st time; they really remember the features of their yarns. It lasted for few seconds and this Sidar Snuggly was given to me! WOW! Unfortunately there was no any kind of bling bling but then they discovered (another few seconds) that I could try to mix it with the embroidery yarn!

And this was not all. Because they know that I really do my own design no one knows how much I need which -because I never count it with knitting or crocheting- because "we'll see how it comes out" is much more fun with these fast to make projects compaired to my stitching passion where I do not -reallyreallyreally- want to make mistakes with the adequancy of the materials.

So, this yarn is something they need to order if they want more so they suggested they could save them for me and I will tell them immediately when I have finished my very secret project. I bought 5 balls and the rest will wait at the back stage of their YarnHeaven if I will need more.

It was really nice to go there again; especially because I had just been in a stupid local shop where they have no idea about it what means good service. So this little yarn shop I warmly recommend to everyone. If you are a tourist, just peek in and ask Finnish yarns to shop if you can't have them at home.

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