I have made several cards for the coming autumn season. One good way to give personalized cards is to make them by your self. Scrap booking materials are high cost but card making suits also for a small budget if you just look around and take the advantage of all that material that is available around you.
Just to mention, Finland is known its high costs and prices. One greeting card cost at least 5€ in Finland. Well, a cost of one card base is just 0,20€ so it makes sense to make your own cards also for the budget reason. But, also to recycle and save the planet Earth.
This birthday card has both background paper and galloping deer paper taken from an old wall calendar. The total cost is 0,40€ when counting in the adhesive tapes.
Green background paper is old origami paper given to me as left over. The pikes are from an old wall calendar. The total cost is 0,40€ when including the adhesive tape and origami paper.
The orange back ground card boar set over the green card base is from an old recycled chocolate box cover. The picture of flamingo is from a recycled magazine. Total cost 0,30€ includes also the adhesive tape.
This card total cost are higher than the previous ones because I used materials from a Papercraft magazine I bought. The magazine cost 10,90€ but makes at least 20 cards. The total cost is 0,55€ per card plus the adhesive tape so it makes 0,65€. Still saving the money but not the planet as it is not recycled card.
This card has both recycled and new materials fort he decoration. The Creek scene is from a recycled sweet box cover. The green stripe is from a Papercraft magazine. The total costs that include everything needed is 0,30€.
Again, materials from old wall calendar so the total cost is 0,30€. The old wall calendars really are like treasures. Can you spot the hedgehog hiding behind the kittens?
This beautiful scene & horse themed card has craft paper base on the back ground (the sand). Sea view paper is -again- from an old wall calendar. The picture of the horse is from an old clothing pack. Just take a look at all those packs you buy. Also they include great material for your card making. Total cost 0,35€.
This Harry Potter themed card doesn't have much Harry Potter labelled products. Only the sticker is actual and original Harry Potter product. Still, it is a left over sticker given to me but we price also it here like if I had bought it. Value 0,20€.
You can't see it on the picture, but the inside page of the card has yellow origami paper to include the shades red&gold of Gryffindor House. The origami paper is left over material given to me but we price it here. Value 0,10€.
Both scrap booking papers are brand new but from a no logo craft paper pack bought on sale. Value together 0,20€.
The card base 0,20€ and the adhesive tape 0,10€. That all makes total cost of 0,80€. Not a lot as it is a Harry Potter greeting card.
This card has both recycled and brand new materials. The text and teddy bear from recycled tea packs. Total cost 0,65€.
I made 9 cards. The costs are 4,05€. That makes 0,45€/card. If I had bought the cheapest possible card at shop that would have made 1€/card if extremely lucky bargain on sale. Still, I would have wasted the same time as such bargains doesn't pop out easily. Not to mention energy and gasoline.
Saving is at least 0,55€/card. Likely saving is at least 4,55€/card.
I made 9 so that makes total saving 40,95€. Even in Finland you can buy a bag of food by that!