Sunday 28 March 2021


May I introduce Liinu? She is Ashford Joy 2 wheel spindle. As I told you I had passed my old ancient wheel spindle forward but I do have a wheel spindle. 😅

Liinu represents modern design. She has two treadles. She is a small girl but very practical indeed. At first sight you'd think she is just a toy which she is not. For sure she is a proper workforce!

COVID-19 has caused a knitting boom. It has also influenced on the fact that many shops have ran out of wheel spindles like Ashford Joy 2. Liinu is a new arrival and she has moved in recently.

I love her because she is small, flat and came with a back bag in which I can easily carry her around. She really doesn't need much space around.

I love to spin with Liinu.

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