Saturday 17 August 2024


In my previous blog post I was a bit lost and missed my teacher but managed to correct my mistakes and go on.

I was able to finish the tiny bobbin lace project. It was my 4th practice. I started to learn bobbin lace 14.9.2023. After the start I did my 2nd practice a bit longer than asked. And because I once forgot my bobbin lace equipment at home and picking it up would have meant 1 hour extra drive I chose to start an extra project by borrowing community college's equipment. That's why I did the extra practice

And that is how come this project with corners and turns ended up to be my 4th instead of 3rd practice. I am happy with it and learnt a lot with it.

My blog has been silent for a while in August. The reason is I had to get ready for my course at Valamo Monastery college. There was 5 days long very intensive bobbin lace course I participated on. It is 6 hours drive away from home but it all was worth of it. 

At Valamo I started to learn to make Idrija lace. This is my 1st ever practice of it. I had to use totally wrong thread to get started but that was ok and very educative. This should be a mushroom with Idrija flower. It do is but looks like a mushroom with acne and abscess with a sea star on it. And then they all got run over by a truck and dried. 😂 But I am proud of myself because you can see all the elements there!

Here is my 2nd practice of Idrija lace. By the start my teacher had found me the right thread from her cottage (she didn't bring things with her because she had sent us email about the materials and equipment we need to bring but the email never reach any of us). You can see the difference very well. When you are a beginner it matters a lot that you have exactly the right equipment and materials for your learning. Doing this practice was so much easier than the 1st one because I had already practiced by the totally wrong thread. I am very happy with this project. Now I have my 3rd Idrija lace project going on. That one you will see later...

Anyway, the intensive course was great and now I feel instead of doing bobbin lace only for a year I feel I have done two years course. 
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