Monday 5 April 2021

Happy Easter

My Easter is always filled with wool work. I finished spinning 100 g of natural white Finnsheep wool with Liinu. Another 100 g to go and then I can ply it for further use. I also blend Finnsheep autumn shades to create some SleepySnowyAutumn yarn for a project I have in my mind.... I have started to spin that yarn by a drop spindle. 

I also found some time to use my stamp collection to create writing paper for my letters. The shade of this paper is pastel blue. Unfortunately the picture fades away that shade.

I usually am dusting my (and others') sewing machines and empowering them to keep going on. This Easter I participated on dusting old typewriter Olympia 8. It's YoungLady's new laptop which she loves over the moon.

Because it is Easter and we had several reasons to celebrate I -of course- had to bake a cake. It was delicious and just enough. I -after all these years- have learnt to bake smaller cakes! I am very proud of myself! 

See how I used the extra left over edges to roll up narcissus to decorate the cake! If you try out to do the same just make sure there forms out enough wrinkles when rolling up the left over pieces you cut off. I did't tidy the outer edges and let them be "broken". It creates even more narcissus like expression.

I used yellow sugar mass instead of almond because the local shops had ran out of it. I used just a tiny drop of rapeseed oil when I started to work with it. I feared the sugar mass dries up but this oil helped to avoid that.

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