Tuesday 8 March 2016


Oi! There's a BiG GifT on our VerandaTable. It stands there and waits for TheSunday. First time ever I bought Singer sewing machine. It is START. Just a simple basic sewing machine to be given away as a gift. To be learnt more and get inspired. To be carried with and cared. To be helped in the future to save money by self making. And to be lead through TheCraftyDoor.

TheMEKKO has got the FinalPatterns. YoungLady already sew two fitting versions.  To be honest the 1st one I draw more freestyle on the paper including Her measures. It needed just few changes and the second one was already good.

MrGynter had His BigDay today. The girls had it 3½ weeks earlier. So it has been 15½ weeks ago when I sheared MrGynter for the last time. He has been so well, so I didn't hurry with him. He is such adorable character.

Today I designed Him HisVeryOwnBunnyBalletTutu! How cute it is! I am sure other boys will love it! I designed Him tutu skirt because I don't want Him to get too cold in BunnyHotel.
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