Sunday, 31 August 2014


Today I have been sewing a bit.
I took the stitched and decorated hearts, plased cotton and another piece of felt under them.

I pin it all...

I sew it all and cut to smaller pieces...

I cut them to the shape of hearts.

I plaid a bit with them...

And stored them to wait another moment. This project continues but now I am much more closer to finish it. The whole projet is my own design. It will be finished before the next exhibition in November 2014.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Charming Hearts

I've been enjoying about stitching.

All the six stitched felt hearts are now finished what comes to the stitching part. Individual photos of the bases and the decorated hearts at my Finnish blog. My own design -of course.

The next step with these hearts is to take my sewing machine and...

And no, there is no day without loyal hard work of crocheting BlanketNo2 which also is my own design. It begins to be so big that finally I feel this hooking might lead Me&Blanket to the goal on some cold winter day.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Stitching and hooking

I've been sorting out some stitching stuff. It is always so fascinating. 

 I finally managed to finish the bases of stitched hearts. More pictures of them at my Finnish blog.They all are my own design.

I have also spent hours with BlanketNo2. (My own design.)

It is like a loop path that lead to different places; forest, sea, glacier...

Tuesday, 26 August 2014


Sometimes people ask me don't our bunnies spoil their wool when we allow them to do things. No, not at all.

They have proper wood floors in the cages. We use pellets to cover and protect the floor. Actually we use horse bedding straw pellets. They are bigger size than pellets for small animals like guineapigs and rabbits. But horse bedding pellets are much more cheaper and sold in bigger bags (500kg). If you can store one, why not to save.

Straw pellets are good and more eco-friendly than peat or wood chips / sawdust. The pellets break down to "powder" but this powder is easy to clean from angora rabbits' wool. It may cause a panic when you see them covered by it but it really is not a problem. They love to dig it and jump all over it. But usually it just drops down and doesn't get attached to the fur. If they have had some fun there might be more dirt in the hair; then we just brush the bunnies. But usually we just use the natural method. We put the bunnies outside and let the FunnyJumping and Wind to do the job. Ta-dah, after 30 minutes there is no any kind of dust in the wool. On the video you see how it works. :)

PS. Notice how easily we have merged several smaller bunny outdoor fences. We just leave one wall of six without the fence and connect the fence to the other. It forms out tunnel styled outdoor fence. You can continue this tunnel forever... or form it out again... or move it to another place... or make again several smaller if needed. Very practical and actually cheap.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Bunch of branches

This is BunnyFood for TheColdLongWinter when nothing but snow grows up here.

It is easy to make. Just cut it, bunch it...

...and let it dry where the wind can do its work but rain won't get in.

One more week to go and then it is time to shear these little creatures that look like a cross of quineapig and toy dog! :)

Views of the sky...

...and apples from a friend. So so yummy!

Berries for the juice...

...berries for the pie...

...and after the pie I can stitch hard with my RedHeart...

...and use all of the yarn I -at the moment- have for my YogaMatBag.

The Shades Of My World.

One of the most loveable things in the world. When someone sees something you love, pictures it and gives you the photo. Can you notice the owl on the tree; right in the middle of the picture?

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Falling autumn

It's back. The darkness. Not all of it, not all the time. But enough to need to light up candles in my veranda when the night falls over us.

It has been rainy and chilly but one thing always helps.

The autumn is soon here in MyGarden.

Such a beautiful shade of an apple!

Memories of the summer for the shh shh project...

Finally something for Me&MySelf. It is going to be a bag for my YogaMat. My own design but I don't know yet how it will look when finished. At the moment I am about to run out of the yarn. I am so looking forward the visit at MyFavouriteYarnShop. I need to write a list, before that I can't go.

Friday, 22 August 2014

...phews and oops...

Oh, today Me & MyDoggyFriend had such a rough time at car fixing. It was so hard to wait on the sofa to get the car done. But I must admit; the sofa was perfect for waiting! Finally we made it and had a nap.

You know recycling is important case in MyWorld. So far -in my life- there has not been a day I must have gone to a second hand shop to buy materials. The world is so full of everything; our houses are full of everything... These are my old curtain stuff which I am not going to use anymore in their original style. I have got an idea what to do with them. I am going to do something decorative...

Usually you see finished or succeeded things on blogs -also in my blog. This is not one of them. But that is why I can show it. It is about the secrect I told you before. I started this at a wrong place so I need to start it again...

Thursday, 21 August 2014


...shh... we all must be very quiet. There's another extremely secrect project going on. I started it last night when the darkness hide my house after long bright summer nights ...shh... It is very secret SantaClausLandProject. Unfortunately -but I promise- you will see a photos of it only on the Xmas Eve 2014 after she has opened her gift. I know she is not allowed but every now and then she seeks herself in to my BlogLand and sneaks to peep about what I do ...shh... shh...

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


It is finally here! It is my own design but anyone can crochet the same. It is...


It has 40 blue squares (5 x 8).

I used Macedonian Teteks Menada yarn (100% PAN).

I enjoyed crocheting it and I love the blue in it. This is part of the last memories of trips to Kosovo. They were not my trips but I always got a bag full of yarn when the journey pointed at my direction. I made this for sale but it might be that I keep it despite there is not babies comming or going...

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Boiling water and other activities

I know water is not obvious to every person on this planet. People even go through wars because of it. But in Finland water -clean water- is something we even export. Past few days in my town we have been recommended to boil up every water we drink because of some problem in the system. This is the first time in my life to be told to do so. So, it's a bit confusing. Still I do it because I am not that brave that I'd drink it without boiling... Adventures can wait me elsewhere.

My garden has given me already 14l of raspberries. Not as much as last year but I can not complain.

Some raspberry yoghurt... no added sugar. Just raspberries and natural style Greek yoghurt mixed in blender. Easy, cheap, good and even healthy if you use low fat option.

Bunnies have got pine cones to play with. Cones collect the loose hair from the floor; practical, funny and free activity.

MrGynter was sheared two weeks before planned. He almost stopped eating and doing his needs. He was a bit upset and not at all like he usually is. I decided it was time to cut his wool. He is back to normal happy himself and loves lively running games in the garden. His apetite is back and his litter tray is full on the mornings.

Here is another friend of mine. She is SuperSally from the stable. Very special creature and she -for sure- would do fine as a guardian dog better than most of the dogs. She's OldLady and knows what to do.

Yes yes, you know me, there is no day in my life without a craft. Today I crocheted few more blue granny squares (40 finished) and stitched more MyLilaHeart in my car when waiting SirW. from the dentist to be fixed up with his MillionDollarSmile (yep, still going on with the dental care). And I kept on stitching on my sofa with my cat. Oh, she had soo goood nap.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Fussy Friday

Today was time to take down some of my herbs and prepare them for drying.

I separate the leaves and stalks. I chop the stalks. They'll get hard when they dry but it still is ok to use them for cooking soups from which you can easily take them out or just leave without eating.

I was looped with BlanketNo2...

...and hooked with GrannySquares.

I also had some time to stitch.

PS. I bake also a chocolate cake but I know it is unfair to show it here so that is just our little secret and we all can pretend it never happen...

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