Sunday 13 July 2014

My fussy summer day

 It has been hot hot time around here. But that is just fine. There -for sure- will again be time when we'll be missing these days. So, with the furry paws I have been sewing. (The results you will see in few days.) Sewing made me wonder how on earth sitting can make you feel so hot...

...when feeling hot you start to desire the sea.

 Benefits of living a bit isolated: public beach is never crowded!

 The movements of the water are fascinating. They form out figures and even smooth the rocks.

 During the time also this stone will be soft and round.

You know I love contrasts. Sharp and blunt, hard and soft, cold and hot, dark and light...

 It is just adorable to sit there and forget how it all looks like when the ice, snow and darkness cover it all.

Another benefit of living far away from the big world is that you can walk bare foot almost everywhere. It really does good to your feet and every single little muscle.

Despite it is summer and hot; our Angora Bunnies need food for the winter.

Bunny food is easy to arrange. Just cut it and spread around to let it dry in the sun. It doesn't take many days.

When it is dry you can collect it and store in a dry place where wind can get in.

To relax I spent some time also with a good book and very important gift from my DearFriend M. from "TheFarm" which she has stitched especially for me. Thanks again honey. <3

 Could there be any better way to finish your day than serve the supper on the terrace with a good book and love ones?

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