Thursday, 31 July 2014

On Tour

There is even 3 exhibitons of my textile art on August. You can find my work at Tervakoski, Kemi and Simo. There is not link available about the show in Tervakoski yet but I will add it as soon as possible. In Kemi there's "Unelmia" ("dreams") and in Simo "Sanoja" ("words"). You will find the details via the links.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Waste wool and training

Here is CuteLittleLulu. She is very adorable LittleAngoraBunny. The facts she loses in compairing the wool productivity she beats in compairing the character. Here she is in training. They all need to learn to rest in peace and quiet in the pictured way. It is not a natural position for a rabbit but they need to trust and learn. It's important if we want to shear proper also their stomach side. Lulu is TalentedLittlePupil. She is on the last grade where even a child can handle her in this position. At the moment we are rising up the time she can stand this. Second by second to the perfect result; which means in her life "no stress when shearing".

This picture proves they all are having FunnyBunnyLife. It is Lulu's back fur. She and Viola had obviously extreme fun last night. They both needed proper grooming despite they had it on the last Monday. Lulu's back fur had loosed some wool which was spread around the cage and messed up. But that's ok. They are allowed to play and have fun; no matter if it means waste wool every now and then. We just checked up there was no wounds or anything. No, so I assume it had just attached somewhere when they were sporting and playing.

Yummy, yummy, yummy strawberries have so far produced me 5kg from my garden. It is so amazing that something so good can be so healthy! Let's have a healthy summer!

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Archaeological Treasures

 This time I am not going tho show you what I made.

I show you what He made.

He was 16 years old on that time.

And now He's over fourty when found this and gave it to Me! <3

On the other day He made this for me. We had a tiny argue with the LittleLady about it can she have it or not. When I said this is just a try out piece she consent to hand it back to me and wanted the final version of it which must be amazing because this is so pretty. :) Smart me, ha!

Sunday, 20 July 2014


Little Viola in her furry look. She is as fussy as her hair style.

Rasputin found his strong back legs yesterday. He jumped around all night long to mess up his cage. He overreacted the first 24 hours and even jumped from BunnyBarn's floor back to his cage which locates at 60cm height; above Gynter's cage. That confused himself a bit and after that he has been much cooler with the legs. :)

Gynter had loveable moments in groomin. He had been on BunnyRun. Yesterday he discovered that TheHouse locates in the garden and he can jump around the house. Today he had speeding moments behind TheHouse. Despite HotHotHotWeather there was no brake; he was far too excited about the discovery and TheFunRun. We had to stop it because of the heath before he wanted. (He had been on the adventure for 40 minutes.) But there was something more loveable comming into his life. Yeppee, it was -again- time for grooming.

He loved it all so much that he reached his hind legs far far behind. And yes, he let me to brush them soo well.

After grooming he laid there waiting for more until he was lifted up and carried back to his nest in BunnyBarn.

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Strawberry Tea

It is TimeForTea! 
Are you ready? 
Ready for HomeMade StrawberryTea?

It is easy to make your own tea from strawberries. At first you need to eat the berries. That's the best part! Then spread around on the paper the stems (or what ever they are called). Let them dry there for days -until they are dry.

When they are dry they look like this. They've lost their shiny summer strawberry colours.

Fill a jar. You can push them down a little bit as long as they don't get too tight. Air must fit in too to keep them dry.

You can cover the jar with a loose lid or fabric; again -the air must get through. You can store it and enjoy about the summer memories on the cold winter days.

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Pin it!

I have slowly and desperately been travelling to the point that my pincushion is useless. It has been very important to me because it was a gift from my child when she was a little schoolgirl. But, life goes on and years pass by. That's why I needed to draw few more patterns. Again my own design.

Here's patterns for few different kind of pincushions. This time I have been making square ones.

Designing them includes also searching perfect materials. I wanted to make partly recycled pincushions.

I found old fabrics and unused lace.

 I went to seek more from my treasure box.

This is something new. I bought it from Sisustus Laventeli on my journey to Hamina earlier on this summer. 

(That was adorable decoration shop in which I wanted to move in. Best in it all was that it was small and cosy and then when I understood I had seen it all the lady told there's the attic too! Oh my, oh my...)

 So I sew them all.

 I turned them around.

 I had memories and dreams.

 I re-arranged them and saw what all I had done.

Actually I made 37 of them. One for me and the rest for the others (to be sold or given away).

 A little bit of JeansStyle.

 A little bit of LaceStyle.

 A little bit of GirlyStyle.
(This ribbon is a left over from the dress I made years ago.)

 A little bit of NostalgicStyle.
(This ribbon is from a bedding my mother sew in her youth.)

A little bit of AdventurousStyle.
(Left over fabric from my previous sewing.)

A little bit of RomanticStyle.
(This is The Laura Ashley fabric from the old curtains.) 

(One of these goes to my DearFriend M. at TheFarm. She has shared many inspiring moments about gardening with me.)

Monday, 14 July 2014

BigPuzzleMat -tutorial

Yes, it is true, you can't buy everything. BigPuzzleMat is one of those things. Meaning a mat for 9000 piece puzzle sized 193 x 139 cm. That's why I had to make one and here's tutorial also for you. Then you or the kids can freely enjoy about the hobby. Just roll it all up when you need to clean the floor. My design for you.

The 1st guestion was; around which to roll it all up? The result was this cardboard tube. Around these they rollup the fabrics at the factories to transport the fabrics to the shops. And the fabric shops have plenty of these. And if you buy fabric they usually give this for free to you because for them it is just trash. Ask for it and ask it for free. I bought 2,5m of fabric that was 1,4m wide. It costed 19,60€ and 3m of cord that cost 2,10€ so it all together made 21,70€.

My tube is 1,4m wide so the size was just perfect. But you can also cut these tubes shorther.

Neaten the edges of the fabric. You can use sewing machine's zigzag stitch or overlock machine.You need to neaten only there where the fabric has been cut. If the fabric's side edges are not cut they won't ravel out.

If you are using overlock machine this is good way to hide the loose end. If you cut it; it will ravel out during the time for a bit. But if you leave the yarns a bit longer and hide them like this the edge will stay good looking. (From this picture you can see the side edge of the fabric which doesn't ravel out.)

You need to measure the size of the tube ring.

Mine was 19cm. I made the fold that forms out the passageway for the tube. The size of the passageway is half of 19cm = 9,5cm plus 1-2cm extra (to get the tube easily in) and the seam allowance 1cm.

Sew the passageway. And then fasten the cords to the other end of the fabric. I made 3 cords. One in the centre and two 15cm far away from the side edges. I had 3m of cord which I cut in three 1m long pieces. Then I sew these pieces from their midpoints so that each cord -at the end- was 0,5m long.

Slide the tube in.

 Roll it all up.

Tie it all up.

Ta-dah! You made it! It was not difficult at all!

PS. Excellent gift idea for a PuZZleLoveR <3

Sunday, 13 July 2014

My fussy summer day

 It has been hot hot time around here. But that is just fine. There -for sure- will again be time when we'll be missing these days. So, with the furry paws I have been sewing. (The results you will see in few days.) Sewing made me wonder how on earth sitting can make you feel so hot...

...when feeling hot you start to desire the sea.

 Benefits of living a bit isolated: public beach is never crowded!

 The movements of the water are fascinating. They form out figures and even smooth the rocks.

 During the time also this stone will be soft and round.

You know I love contrasts. Sharp and blunt, hard and soft, cold and hot, dark and light...

 It is just adorable to sit there and forget how it all looks like when the ice, snow and darkness cover it all.

Another benefit of living far away from the big world is that you can walk bare foot almost everywhere. It really does good to your feet and every single little muscle.

Despite it is summer and hot; our Angora Bunnies need food for the winter.

Bunny food is easy to arrange. Just cut it and spread around to let it dry in the sun. It doesn't take many days.

When it is dry you can collect it and store in a dry place where wind can get in.

To relax I spent some time also with a good book and very important gift from my DearFriend M. from "TheFarm" which she has stitched especially for me. Thanks again honey. <3

 Could there be any better way to finish your day than serve the supper on the terrace with a good book and love ones?

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