Sunday, 27 October 2024


I designed and made this pillow case already in September. I have been hiding it because today is a very special day. It's the Birthday of my very special friend. I didn't want to spoil the surprise so I had to keep it out from the blog until now.

It is a very simple and traditional quilt block design but it has something very special too. I used hours of thinking how to make the background in the way that it doesn't look at all like the background. Meaning that you can keep the case at any side front without it looks it's placed backside at front. 

Also, I wanted to use recycled zipper for it so I had to think how to use the zipper in the way that it still works and doesn't hurt your face if you want to lay your head on it while resting. I didn't want to place the zipper in the side edge seam as usual and typical. I neither didn't want it to run across the whole pillow case because then it hurts your face. I think I invent quite a genius way to place the zipper and for sure will use this also in the future with other pillow cases I will make.

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