Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Surprise Webcap

In September I have used toxic Cortinarius semisanguineus to dye red and yellow shades. I pick up the whole mushroom and then at home cut it into two parts. 

Its stalk is yellow. If you want to dry it, slice it half to open the stem.

The stems give yellow shades.

The real secret hides under the cap. The caps can be dried as opened.

The caps give red shades.

I dyed both shades of AAW: pale fog blue and snag grey. Three left side shades on the pic are dyed on snag grey. I used dyed also hand spun FinnSheep and Arctic Dog Wool.

Don't try this at home. If you try anyway, remember it is toxic. You need cloves and other protective wears. You can do it only in a place where is excellent air condition. I do it outside on my terrace deck. 

Sunday, 24 September 2023


In September 2023 I encourage you to read a book that tells about North America. For the challenge I chose Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens (in Finnish, mine). I was recommended this book by YoungLady immediately when it was published in Finnish and been waiting for a change to read it. When I started to figure out Ommel Reading Challenge 2023 I was inspired by this book and discovered how the challenge is going to be on 2023. Only now, in September I read it and I see it was the right thing to do for the challenge. It is a beautiful story with beautiful marshland and nature descriptions. It bases on the facts about the nature. It is enchanting multi-level story that brings Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe and Life Of Pi into my mind. This item definitely jumped in the top ten books in my list!

Thursday, 14 September 2023


Today I started a new hobby. A hobby I've been dreaming about for over 30 years! It is bobbin lace! We meet once in a fortnight. Can't wait the next time to happen!

Today I did this 1st practice. It is my first ever bobbin lace. I feel it is relaxing, fabulous and worth of waiting for so long!

Wednesday, 13 September 2023


I have very old Christmas cactus. I received them 27 years ago when having my first baby. My wish was not to bring flowers into the hospital but taking house plants into our home. My great-mother-in-law gave us four Christmas cactus babies from her very old plants. Which means she had them as big plants already at early 70´s. My cactus have survived from baby attacks, toddler attacks, dog attacks, cat attacks and arctic polar nights. That is something incredible for such exotic plants. And, despite of all the sufferment they bloom every year with joy.

My Schlumbergeras needed new plant hangers. They had old ones which were made for two plants. It´s time to separate them all into individual flower hangers to provide them all more light. I already made two macramé flower hangers. Two more to go. For the decoration I used recycled wooden curtain hangers. For macramé I used Lankava's Paulina eco-friendly chunky twine yarn (80% recycled cotton, 20 % polyester) (1 kg = 170-180 g) (diameter 5 mm). Both flower hangers are different and my own design

Sunday, 10 September 2023



I've done more dyeing in August on our AAW yarn. I've used onion, common reed, nettele and other herbs. Which herb? Well, I won't tell because it is dangerous and you need to know what to do. My favorite color from these herbs is "death". The name of the shade describes well what for it is used.

Saturday, 9 September 2023

AAW Fair Isle Socks No6

I have finally been able to finish His sock for Yule 2023. I keep going on my own design theme. I used AAW (50% our own ethic produced arctic angora wool, 40% ethic produced FinnSheep wool, 10% nylon) (100g = 238m) for the leg parts and Novita 7 veljestä yarn (75% wool, 25% polyamidi) (100g = 200m) for the decoration and foot parts in two different shades.

Friday, 8 September 2023


I've been tatting before but there is no pics of any projects. I did it around embroidered table runners, baptizing dresses for babies etc. They've all sold or given away long time ago. I used tatting for hand made value items I sold at street markets to earn living when studying at art school and children were small. Tatted laces were easy, low cost and excellent way to rise up the value of special products. I love tatting and this is my first ever tatting made of variegated thread. It is Janette Baker's design from her Learn to Tat book. She just uses white thread. It is going to be a table cloth.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

The 2023 Reading Challenge No 9

The Reading Challenge 2023 is here!

On 2023 I encourage you to read books from different places. No other rules but geographical location. You can choose the genre! 

September 2023 theme is North America!

For this month challenge I have had the chosen item for... too long time. I was told to read it by many people. Ones told not to see the movie first, the others told to see the movie first... I have decided to read the book first because it was before the movie...

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