Tuesday 4 January 2022

GrannySquare pot holder

I designed and crocheted a pot holder. It is very easy to make. Just crochet one GrannySquare from a thick yarn!

I used left over yarn I found from the items YoungLady left behind when moving out. It was actually a piece of started knit project at the school but they had ran out of the yarn so it never turn out anything. She had left the project for me to take it down and re-use the yarn for something else. All I know from the yarn is that it is recycled now from her project to mine.

When you unravel a knitted or crocheted project, at first it seems the yarn is too curly for anything new. Just unravel it and wind up to a ball and let to rest for a while. There is no need to wet it. It may still be curly when you start the new project but I promise it all will settle in. If not, you can always wet/moisten and iron (gently, steam) the new finished project!

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