Thursday 30 April 2020

Poor dog!

This is a good remind about it that when you are up to animals you should always bring something sharp with you. We were skiing in the woods. Yes, we still have that much snow. Poor Nuka was hit by a branch to her nose, it hurt a lot, she spooked up, jumped to a side, tried to see what was it and backed off in her sled dog harness. The result was, despite it all was still on, it was tied around her nose so tight that only my little finger fit under. There was no other option than cut it off.

I am so proud of her training... and the fact that she trust in me so much. In the middle of the panic I told her "stay" and "hold on". She frozen like a statue, it was so tight that she could not even open her eyes. There she stood, listened to me speaking to her and coming closer to help her.

This is Nuka's sled dog X-back harness. I actually made these years ago for our another dog. They have served well and are still like new despite of the use. I need to fix them now.

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