Monday 19 December 2011

Nineteenth day of December

It is always a challenge to make a perfect tassel for your projet. Prym's Pompon-Set doesn't help if you desire tassel making to be faster, easier and more practical. The instructions are poor and by following them you end up in the middle of mess.

To make it better use more yarn and layers of yarns so the yarn won't slip away through the hole after cutting before finishing.

These tassels are both made by the same size frame. Right sided is made according the instructions and the left sided is made by more layers. At the end the only benefit to use this set is that spinning the yarn around the frame is easier than using the old traditional paper frame which has a hole in the middle of it.

I am not satisfied with this Pompon-Set but the fact is tassels are pretty and useful. You can do many kind of them with many colors -also mixing different colors together.
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