Friday 20 May 2011

So what I do now?

At the moment I have two projects going on. I have been crocheting a vest for a ballerina. It's pink of course. The design is in my head and I am curious to see how it turns out. It was not long time ago when I didn't even know how to crochet and now I am doing a vest without instructions. The reason for not using instructions is that long time ago someone special visited East Europe and brought me this every knitter's dream gift -huge bag full of yarn for knitting (all pink). So, now there's only few thread balls left and I decided to use them now. This project is up to teteks yarn Perlita from the Republic of Macedonia. Despite it's all 100% acryl I have noticed that it is machine washable and reusable. Which means it doesn't look horrible after few wearing times like synthetic fibers usually do. I and someone else have been knitting many winter clothes from it and I do can say the quality is good and doesn't couse any troubles to a person who is allergic to sheep wool and has very sensitive skin.

The other project I have picked up is a pamper moment for myself and I am doing it slowly with love. It is Victorian Strawberries Scissor Keep designed by Anne Orr for Textile Heritage Collection. It is a gift from a friend and this product will definately be all mine when finished. Just and only for me and myself. (Don't touch it!) My first ever Mother's Day gift was a pack of silver scissor and thimble. And no one is not allowed to touch them. I use them in stitching and they are my special tools. Scissor keep comes in need because the box of scissor and thimble has broken few years ago and it is not something you can fix. So this gift will comfort me a lot to get over the loss from which I have not got over yet.
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