Wednesday 23 March 2011

Rosa majalis (free chart)

Today I had an inspiration for you. I decided to include Free Charts to this blog. I went through my own designs behind the years. I have them all in paper print outs but also in the modern form. At least I thought so. I ended up holding my tears when I realized the stored  modern form was old fashion by now! I kept on telling myself don't panic, don't panic, don't panic honey! Then I started to use my brains instead of emotions. Who needs a huge chocolate pie or pair of woollen socks? Who desires cake with almonds? The who, who can bring my designs to the year 2011? And in few minutes I had found someone who can do it and desires to have a huge chocolate pie. Best of it all was that I was told it is not a big deal at all, you just need a computer with all the delicate details. As simple and easy as baking a cake... if you know how to do it. So, here you are:

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