Sunday 20 September 2015


 It has happen. There is no return anymore.

The 1st Autumn Storm was here.

The 3rd Storm will bring the winter in.

If you want to escape; do it now. You still have time left but there is no return anymore. Only after 10 months it will be tolerable warm again... Escape; if you are not used to the cold...

...if you have not been prepared for the long winter time. (Here TheCat & Him are making HerbalTea for the Winter.)

At the end of August I sheared all the angora wool for the last time before the Winter. I cut it to be extremelty short (2mm). It needs to be short because of the skin which needs to get a bit air in to prevent skin problems. During the cold season I must leave several centimeters for their own warmth; that's why I cut it very short on warm season. (On these pics they have grew it already back a bit.)

Despite it is not more than +14C on the day time and +4C on the night time they enjoy their ShortSummerHairStyle. They don't use their WinterNest yet (except when it was roaring 1st Autumn Storm). On the chilly mornings I find them cooling down by the doorway where's only a net structure as a door. Yep, despite they have now the short wool. Angora wool is very warm and it seems to work perfect by the Arctic Circle.

My ContinentalGiant Sandy is a big girl already. No, she is not paralyzed, she is just doing her DailyStretchingExercises.

All the rabbits love the moment when I share a bit of MyGarden apples with them.

MyWinterProject is going on little by little. Now I have connected the sleeves to the trunk. And spun more yarn for it...

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