Monday, 31 August 2015


 Do you remember my own design WinterProject which I started in July?

After the last update I have knit it much more. Can you guess already? What it is going to be?

I made a QuickSketch for you to see. It is going to be my own design Romantic SlimFit 100% Woollen Turtleneck Polo. Really really warm for my chilly winter days. And because it is SlimFit it is easy to wear even more over it. HappyHappyHappy!

Saturday, 29 August 2015

ME*ME*ME (and my SportClothDesign)

 Soon the next school term will start again. Which means I need new clothes.

At least few of them.

All is not available and sometimes I like to DoItMySelf with my own design.

...That's why we had some PhotoFun and rare but true; you see Me&MyFace here a lot today!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Contemporary Cross Stitch for soft furnishings

Contemporary Cross Stitch for soft furnishings by Caroline Brikett
(Finnish: Orvokista apilaan)

The designs of this book are not my style but there are several different style of designs. The book includes good pictures and pictorial instructions also for sewing most of the soft furnishing. The pictures and instructions make this book to be good and that is why it still is in my bookself despite I don't need it. It is there to be borrowed for friends. :)

Notice that some of the designs can give you an idea to decorate old linen...

Take a look at it before buying to see do you need it or not.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


This summer I planned to draw more than usual. Not very succeed idea, but I draw more than before despite not as much as planned.

Once I was asked to help YoungLady to figure out how the cats appear on the paper. She draws a lot; especially cats. But this time she had difficulties to get it all there. I told her to think and draw like a cloth designer. Just few basic lines first. This was it what I sketched for her.

YoungLady was happy. Now she saw where the cats are and the posing of them. My sketching lines are there somewhere under and she started to draw these stronger lines.

There should be six cats...

 ...but she was not so sure about three of them.
In my opinion they look pretty fine.

But no. The Artist was not satisfied.

So she -at the end- gave the breath of life just for three of them.

I am very grateful and touched that she still comes to me with all her troubles. <3 Here you can see the original picture according to which she was drawing. It is all about WarriorCats.

Monday, 24 August 2015


If you love to bring nature's scents inside your home and let them remind you about the summer months PotpourriBag is easy way to do so. This is my own design behind the years but it easy to do yours. This is also A Beautiful Home Made Gift. You can use your own garden products or collect some from the wild nature and use left over fabrics.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Naughty again

Do you rememebr BabyBlanketNo3?

Now the time arrived. BabyBlanketNo3 moved into new home to warm up little cute baby girl. (All baby girl gifts don't need to be pink... )

But I've been naughty again. From library's clearance sale I bought Cynthia & Brian Paterson's book Robbery at Foxwood. I paid just 0,20€. And I was up to no good when buying it.

I understood it has a lot of good material for recycled cards I love to make.

Don't they all look pretty together?

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Sampo Icebreaker

This summer I have been a tourist at my home area. Dear K. have been visiting me. Sampo Icebreaker was open this summer. It usually operates for the tourists over the winter season but now they had open doors when its at the harbour spending its summer.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Cross-Stitch Designs

Cross-Stitch Designs by Donna Kooler

Earlier I have introduced Violin -design from Donna Kooler's Cross-Stitch Designs book. I have stitched much more of this book. I just love it. It has 333 Pattern for Ready-to-Stitch Projects. It has also basic general instructions for stitching. If you can buy just one book, this is a good option and just enough for a long time. The book is published on 2000 and was one of the first cross stitch books I have bought. And still, after all these years I am satisfied to it. If I need to find an idea and a chart very fast I take this book out to see what all it offers. It has designs for Baby, Pillows, Table Linens, Towels, Jar Covers, Bookmarks, Alphabets, Mugs, Small Accessories and Christmas. And of course a towel doesn't need to be towel; like my Violin -project... I am sure you can find this book also as used.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

White Hide

Oh, this is a pretty piece of a left over fabric I was given some time ago.
Once again: trash can be treasure

It was just enough for two tiny curtains.

He made super easy fastening system for them.

Very light but enough to hide things.

YoungLady likes it a lot. Even more than before.
My own design.
Very easy to do!

Friday, 7 August 2015

Thistle & That

Some days ago I got a delivery from faraway. 1200g of camomile tea! It really does good to my voice mixed with honey during the LongColdWinter. Camomile inflorescences are TheThing. They are hard to find here. So, I am very grateful to my friend because of this gift. Thank you once again DearK.

How are my thistles doing?

Very well indeed!

This is how MyWinterProject is doing. No, I am not going to tell you what it is going to be. Be patient! It is my own design.

Thursday, 6 August 2015


It was a miracle that this sketch was found from an old house. I was 13 years old when I draft this. I used my grandfather as a model when he was sleeping in his chair.

This sketch was draft also by me. At the school when I was 15 years old. I found it in the middle of an old school book so I guess I was bored on those days...

This is one of my dear colors.

Oh, they've been hiding too long.

I bought a colouring book for Me&Her. 

It is something we do together. I & YoungLady.

And yes, because I am the adult...

...and she is not...

...she can decide which ones she loves most and desires to put alive with shades.

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