Friday, 29 May 2015

SpringWreath No2

This week I finished SpringWreath -WreathNo2- just for the high school graduation celebration. This all is actually recycled stuff. See, this FlowerLei I actually got from a local theatre. I was seeing a play and at the end some of the actors suddenly ran among to the audience and gave their leis to someones; I was one of them. Since that this lei has been hanging in my wardrobe. Now I knew what to do with it.

On April 2014 I recieved beautiful flower wreath as a thank you gifth from my students. The flowers have faded away but their memory is still here. The wreath and butterfly I saved as I wanted to use them on some day for something else. Now I am happy I did so. All my students are very loveable and in this way they all are always here with me. :)

This broken butterfly is from another gift from the students. He kindly saved its life and it was re-usable again.  He glued the broken wing and wire for me. (Thank you!)

It has became the time to go and see all my buttons. No, they are not all here. Yes, these are BodyShop BodyButter re-used cans. And yes, despite I have washed them they still smell so beautiful.

 I selected some of the buttons and fastened two flowers together with one button.

 I fastened the flowers by thread to the base of the wreath. I used knots to fasten the threads and then secured the knots by glue.

(My knots are very famous of it how fast they can open. Yes, He have taught me basic Sailor's Knots but still... I really need to concentrate a lot on them to get them succeed. So, I always do my best to avoid knots, when I can not, I try to secure them somehow.)

Here it is -SpringStyledWreathNo2-.
My own design.
For MrW's graduation party
with WreathNo1 and Bunting.

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Bunting -tutorial

 I know in Finland bunting is not such a common way to decorate your home, garden, public or private streets or any occasion. But it doesn't have to mean that it is banned. It is just something Finnis just don't do. 

But I did. For our special celebration; high school graduation. Usually people buy flower ampels and hang them all around. Which is very pretty indeed at this time of the year when our gardens are still bare and almost nacked. Crocus, narcissus and tulips may be just in time at the end of May; but really, you can not count on them. 

That's why I did WreathNo1. And that's why I made this bunting. I want flowers around but in a different way. The idea for the bunting I got from the pictures of my English friends. And DearM. from TheFarm kindly explaned all about the bunting to me (thank you my darling) and helped a lot with her information in my inspiration and designing process.

This is some kind of recycled bunting. See, the rose fabric I used is very old English Laura Ashley design. At early 90's I bought this fabric to sew curtains for my bedroom. It was excessive expencive and demanded all my savings. But it was a rare fabric by the arctic circle on that time. I never considered myself as a romantic girl but this print out just enchanted me and I ended up counting my pennies if I only could afford full length curtains. I still remember those bad thoughts of that fabric shop owner who did not gave me -poor high school student- any penny discount, not single one. I bought a lot from her shop when she had it and she always was so sour. I am happy to tell she had to give up the shop long long time ago. 

But still I have this adorable fabric. It would have been heart breaking to throw it away. It has faults the sun has made. But still it lives here with me. And now it has become the time to transform it to something else. It is Mr.W's high school graduation time. It feels more than meaning to use this fabric I bought as high school student to crate decoration for my son's high school graduation celebration.

So, here it is all for you!

You need fabric, felt, plastic or perhaps paper. What ever you desire to use. Notice the place, weather and material connection. No paper in the rain etc. Drawing the pattern is easy. Just as big or small you desire.

I used green felt and cotton fabric. The fabric is thin so I used it as two sided.

I placed the front sides of the fabric at each others. Then I sew the side edges. Then I turned "frontside out" so that the seam allowances were be hidden inside; between the fabrics and their back sides. Then I ironed them all.

 I used seaming machine to close out the moth of the triangle and stitched it to the back side so that there will be passageway for a twine to go through.

 I decorated the green flags with recycled buttons. These are left over buttons from my art school student times at 90's.

 These are rcycled buttons from mother-in-law.

 I place one of the buntings under a dream. Some day; like my dear friend B. recommends, I will go and see New York alive.

 Here you can see how the twine goes.

I didn't stitch the twine to the flags because I want the flags to be movable. But it is not banned to do so. If you think your flags need to be fastened to the twine just do so. No problem.

This is my own design, but easy to do by anyone.

Sunday, 24 May 2015


They love their new BunnyHouse so much. Despite they have more space to jump around and they can even go out when the weather is good (no rain, no storm) their wool stays in fit. I don't brush them daily. Just shortly twice in a week if they are in long wool. More than grooming I concentrate on keeping the bed clean.

We had shearing weekend. Now they all are in short wool. Eek! NakedBunnies around! (They L O V E their new short wool cut.)

It is about +7 - +14 Celsius degrees in the BunnyHouse and outside about +5. They really do not get cold. They are used to these weathers.

I cut the wool of for the summer so that they have just 1cm wool left. They live in the arctic so they know this is just about the summer indeed!

The wool was shorter in this time than on the last February because the cycle of the year influences on the wool growth. Last time we cut the wool of before 3 moths cycle was full and they all had grown 10-12cm long wool. Now it was just boring 9-11cm. But that is how it all goes. They grow it as much as they need, not as much as I desire. Still I thank them all for it what they reached. I know it is more than enough as the required minimum lenght is 7cm.

Viola in her new summer look.

Sandy is now 12 weeks old. Still such a baby. But because she is Continental Giant she is now as big as Aunt Lulu who still thinks she is her baby. This is how they make SandySandwich! And she loves it of course!

Also MrGynter had his HairCutDay. He is always so patient and serene. On the begin he was the most difficult case. Now he is the easiest one. His wool type is the worst but everything is forgiven because these private moments with him are so relaxing and expected. If he could choose he'd be Miniature Lop. He hates mosquitos is his ears. He feels better in short wool. He loves to be cuddled. He loves to be carried around with you; in his basket. He do enjoys his life; is happy and healthy. But if he only could choose...

And the magic word is... o a t s ! I never have any difficulties to get them in. Just a whisper o a t s can make them hurry up. Or if they think I am going to take down the o a t s bucket. It is just a rare delicacy they get when I need to make them come to me.

Saturday, 23 May 2015


It is Blue&White.
As the flag of Finland.

It has flowers...

...and corners.

It has a flower meadow.

It has two of my favourite shades...

...for a baby girl I wish to meet after MidSummer.

Do you remember BabyBlanketNo2? Or BabyBlanketNo1. Or BlanketNo3?

I used the same blue as I used in BabyBlanketNo2. I used the same white as I used in BlanketNo3. BabyBlanketNo3 is for the little sister whose big sister got the BabyBlanketNo1. So it all is connected with the blue I love.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Diamonds & Crystals

You know, there is also Lupins in MyGarden. These little begins of Lupins got Diamonds and Crystals because of the soft rain. See how pretty they look! (And yes, this is how my spring looks today.)

Monday, 18 May 2015

SpringWreath No1

So, what I have been up to? You know I crocheted BlanketNo4 during the spring. But I have had another decoration project going on too. These are old wood curtain rings. I don't need them anymore but I have saved them all for further use. Now three of them faces "the further use". Just because I had something in my mind.

From After Christmas Sale I found this styrofoam wreath (16cm diameter). And from my favourite yarn shop's sale basket I found these 100% cotton Mandarin Classic yarns by SandnesGarn (50g = 110m). Just 1€ per each.

So I crocheted a cover for the styrofoam and stitched it over to cover it.

The back side...

...and the front side.

Together they waited for better times and treasures.

I needed also a little bit of this and that.

This butterfly is from my first ever garden decoration. I bought it about thirteen years ago when I got my first ever garden. Later on that garden decoration got broken but the butterfly was rescued. I saved it for the further use in my craft boxes. Now was the moment for "the further use".

I stitched the flowers, leaves and buttons. The pink buttoms are from LittleLadys old cloth from the old times when she was a Little Princess. The blue buttons are from old boys sailor costume which has run in the family for decades until it all got broken too. The buttons were saved for the further use. Now some of them faced "the further use".

Would you like to peek to the front side?

Here it is... despite it is not finished yet.


Simple Scandinavian Style.

My own design.

My sky, my garden and my sea.

Spiced with memories.

Made by love for someone special's party.

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