Thursday 9 April 2015

Hidden White

My own design BlanketNo4 is almost there; at the other end. Only another white end is missing. Not much but it still means 7 hours of work with hook & yarn. After that I still need to finish the edges.

It has been a pleasure to crochet this BlanketNo4 because it is soft and furry despite the yarn is easy to work with. I love to take it; hide under it and crochet a bit on a chilly morning.

Did you know that Granny had black snout when she moved in? Now it is just grey and white. Yesterday she had her third acupuncture session and I really envied her. She looked so satisfied that I wanted to be punctured too. Granny even wagged her tail to the vet; which she has never ever done before. She has met far too many vets in her life time. She accepts them and allows them to do what is needed; but that's all. Now she really loves her new vet!

I know it must be illegal to load up this kind of pics on my blog. But I really need to show what a good but budget lunch I had today. Home made of course. It is easy actually and all is done on the same tray in the oven. The potatoes are sliced almost "through". I greased the surface of the potatoes with oil and then I put white cheese between the slices. I removed the stems of the mushrooms. Then I filled the mushrooms with white cheese and wrapped them with bacon slices. 200 degrees and 30-40min should be enough. I served it with Greek salad. Yummy says me who hates all kind of mushrooms.

And of course I needed to bake something good meanwhile the food was in the oven. White chocolate cake... Gluten free of course.

PS. I roasted mushroom stems with an onion and left over bacon (all chopped); added some black pepper and paprika. With that and white cheese I am going to fill zucchinis tomorrow as lunch.

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