Sunday, 29 March 2015

Selfish Me

This is the church of Kemi. Pretty indeed. Despite I can not help the belfry seems like wise owl in my eyes. I L O V E it. This picture is taken by someone else but given to me with the idea you could see it too. (Thank you.)

Friday had one of those mornings so I decided have a good break of everything. Nothing a cup of hot chocolate could not cure...

... and 1kg box of sweets and pile of old magazines you had no time to read earlier. Top of everything a letter from a dear friend and a good book and mobile phone just in case. (At the end I fell asleep for 2 hours and was so freshed up.)

It just does so good when you sometimes just refuse to do anything more, lift your legs up and announce that you are not available. I must confess later on the evening I had a TeaDate with dear Mrs L. and Misses Coco and Lemon. It really was all I needed on that very moment. Thank you! :)

Early Saturday morning we were OnRoad again. Going back to Kuusamo to take my exhibition down.

He usually drives but now I insisted to drive one way. I had my CarryOn project with me.

It was up to BlanketNo4.

It still is not finished but it is getting bigger and bigger.
My own design.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

On The Ice

It really is a beautiful sunny SpringDay. Granny had refreshing walk on the ice. Yes MySea, MyBay still have ice covering. It is MySpring indeed.

Granny has started to use our sleigh dog X-Back Harness on her walks to prevent burden her neck area. She really is back to normal but still will meet her vet at least one more acupuncture appointment.

It is unbeliveable how these hays and reeds still stand there; dry and hard. Despite they faced the Arctic Winter, storms from the sea and North Pole!

The Bay

The Forest

The paths made by snowmobiles. That's what we use to ease our walk. :)

Grouse was there also. Notice the glitter on the snow. The light makes the snow flakes to glitter and sparkle.

Also hares were there. You can see the tracks on the snow when their paws sink in and when they don't. See how they broaden out their paws to share the weight on bigger area to prevent sinking into the snow.

In MyGarden you can see the snow has started to retreat from the house. It melts. It escapes. It fades away. A week ago we really had to shovel more snow on my flower bed by the wall to make sure the flowers will be sleeping one more month. I need them to blossom at the end of May; thank you, not yet. The thermometer shows +20 Celsius degrees but it is only because it is in straight sun light all day long. Actually it was -5.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Blanket OnTrack

Today I crocheted a bit more BlanketNo4. As you can see it is going to be "mirror styled" to the both sides of the central stripe.

Also some stitching was included. See how well Her eyes match to the shade of the fabric!

I started a row of polar bears for my own design OnTrack.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Line of grouses

Now I have finished the line of grouses at my latest cross stitch project. More pictures you can find here. It all is my own design.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Stitching Conversion Charts

Look what I have made for you!  Few charts to ease your stitching! Notice that all the rates are just general advice. It all depends on also the manufacturers and the designs. But here's where to start if you are confused. I add these also on Stitching site and keep them there on the top. So later on you can easily just seek these at there.



Aida and Evenweave conversion chart

(The chart is general and rates depend on manufacturers)
Squares / 10cm
Threads / 10cm
6 Count
12 Count
8 Count
16 Count
10 Count
20 Count
11 Count
22 Count
14 Count
28 Count
16 Count
32 Count
18 Count
36 Count
20 Count
40 Count
22 Count
44 Count
© TaijaS

Thread and needle proportion chart

(The chart is indicative)
Tapestry needle
6 Count
12 Count
6 - 5
8 Count
16 Count
5 - 4
10 Count
20 Count
20 - 22
4 - 3
11 Count
22 Count
4 - 3
14 Count
28 Count
16 Count
32 Count
24 - 26
2 - 1
18 Count
36 Count
2 - 1
20 Count
40 Count
22 Count
44 Count
© TaijaS

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Sun and light

Today is Spring Solstice. Tomorrow the light stays longer than the darkness. And yesterday was Solar Eclipse. It was pretty weird to see the sharp shadows to fade away on the frozen snow in MyGarden.

Despite of these solar happenings my seeds have started to grow. Just a week ago I planted them! From the green leaves of my hyacinth you can see faded shadows the Solar Eclipse caused.

The spring causes the buzz in BunnyBarn. Lulu has made a nest. No, no, no. She just thinks she is expecting kits. But she really is not. They all are very lively and fussy. The SpringNesting calls them and that's why we need to make sure no more accidents happen.

I myself have been more relaxed than the bunnies. GrannyDog had her second acupuncture at the vet. She is much better so I have had some time to rest and read. At the moment I am reading Richard C. Morais' The Hundred-foot journey. I usually hate "food books" and "cook books". But in this book the food nor cooking is the point neither main subject. It is like cooking itself. Every mom knows it. It is written like making a meal. You need to decide what you need or want to cook. Which ingredients you need. Then you need to go through your kitchen and garden to see what you already have. The ones you don't; you need to put on your shopping list. Then you need to arrange your journey to the shops and spend far too much time to seek what you need. Then you carry it all home, put in the fridge, leave on the table and you really need a pause then because there's a laundry to do. Finally it's time for cooking. You take everything you need and start the process. Everything happens meanwhile the dinner is ready. Then you perhaps need to gobble it up because the youngest is screaming and all the mess is left for you in the kitchen when you come back to see is there anything left for you... And later you notice when veryone are already sleeping that your love one has left the last piece of chocolatie pie just for you. It has note "MOLDY" on it to make sure kids don't dare to touch it. This book really is not up to cooking or eating neither gluttony, it is just a delicious story of life.

This is my very old delicious treasure box which I inherit from my DearGrandMother over 30 years ago. It is an OldCandyBox.

This sweet ChocolateBox goes far away because it is EasterTime. With a very old friend of mine we have always had a habbit to send each others Easter Greetings like this.

This time I didn't use EasterStamps. See how the FigureSkaterStamps glow and shine. VerySpecialFinnishStamps.

With LittleLady we had EasterCardFactory today. This year it was up to stickers and glue drops.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015


Here we go today. I folded the BlanketNo4 for the pic. Over the halfway!

Sunday, 15 March 2015

It is spring!

It is officially spring! Despite there is snow all around my garden the spring is here. This is how my early spring looks. I took this pic yesterday when I heard the first swans to arrive. They are too early but from this picture you can see the spring is early too. Soon I can pull out my bike from the snow without showel! :) I do bike on the wintertime too and usually my bike is not burried in the snow. But this time one snow storm did its job and I was too lazy to dig my bike out.

Spring preparations mean seed, seeds and seeds. Yesterday I planted flowers and hope some of them will be blossoming on the last day of May this year for the celebration.

I went into my green house to get the pots. It was a bit spooky because the spiders started to wake up when I moved the pots. Usually they are afraid of me and vanish when I step in. Now they were so sleepy that they had no any kind of brain function to stay away from me. I really had to call a knight to help me out.

At Centtilä there was excellent offers with seeds. And I got my first ever Stevia plant as "thank you gift" of buying at least 5 bags of seeds. So now I have started interesting travel with this new friend and see will it survive with me or not.

This week I have not had much time for any kind of crafting. Poor Granny has been sick and has needed a lot of physiotherapy. She doesn't need to suffer but she has right to be on sick leave. She is over 15 years now but still vet sees no reason to put her down. She is in very good shape but obviously that's why she hurt herself in garden by some accident. (She runs around and rolls over a lot.)

We are really in love with our new vet. She wanted to try out acupuncture and it really helps. Granny goes again for the acupuncture despite she is so much better by now. Now it is easier for me to do the physiotherapy (massage, stretching and active movement exercises) sessions with her when the acupuncture helps to release the muscle spasms, reduces the pain (with the pain killers) etc.

She was on the sick leave last time on the last summer when she had Idiopathic Vestibular Disease. Since the recovery she has been allowed the stairways and normal home decoration. This sick leave will be much sorther than the last one but still we need 1-2 weeks to get it all sorted out.

Thursday, 12 March 2015


Here we are, 
at the halfway 
with the BlanketNo4
Tuulen Polku
(Path of the Wind)

And for sure She knows that is not allowed.
Not at all!
Still she finds her way on it
where ever when ever
I forget to collect it all away.

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Stripes & grouses

Four more stripes for the BlanketNo4.

Two willow grouses for the OnTrack cross stitch project.

My own design.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Boys did it!

Yes, boys did it. They were playing and running around in Gynter's box when they were seen. So far the rabbit hole is closed by big salt bricks. Their intention is to make new rabbit hole. We don't want that to happen despite they seem to love each others. We want it to stay in that way. That's why they will be allowed to play together in the future only supervised to avoid fights. They can still pamper and take care of each other through the net. At the end there's Gynter's box, then Rasputins and then comes the girls. The closeness of the girls can easily cause bad fights.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Oh boys!

Look what they have done. The BynnyBoys! They bite the net to be able to pamper each others better. So far we have not seen them passin through. Despite they are not neutered they love to cuddle through the net. I guess it is easier in this way. This is exact on the place they lay and pamper each other. This is a bit complicated because they both have their own territories and I am not sure did they know what they were doing. So anyway we plan to close the rabbit hole to avoid the situation one of them goes through the hole into another's territory and cause a fight. On the other hand they have been neighbours since August. But rabbit fights can be really really bad. We've seen them licking each others foreheads through this hole. Perhaps it frightens us more than them.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Stitching & crocheting

Yes, I have been stitching again and working with this On Track project.

And yes, I have been crocheting too; BlanketNo4.

About 1/3 finished....

My own design.

Monday, 2 March 2015

On the road again

Again it was a time for a road trip through something where you can not trust in gps. Good old paper map won't fool you or leave in trouble. I had my BlanketNo4 with me.

I found a tiny treasure.

It all was up to pick up my exhibiton from Suomussalmi and put it up in Kuusamo. If you are around Kuusamo in March 2015, take a look at On Tour to see the details to find my art.

We stayed at Sokos Hotel Kuusamo. It is old and nostalgic, a bit retro too. But clean and absolutely worth of staying. Especially if you seek gluten free breakfast service. The staff is very helpful too. Ski Bus stop is right front of the hotel if you don' like to drive in Finnish Winter.

Kuusamon Uistin is MUST SEE place. If you are interested about fishing. It is just a tiny cosy factory shop. But there's a cafe and small fish tank and play table for kids too. Also clean toilets with heating. :)

Kalevi Oikarainen's statue is at the Ruka Ski centre.

The statue is impressing. I like its materials and contrasts.

The statue looks different on winter and summer.

And yes, I have been stitching a bit too.

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