Today is Spring Solstice. Tomorrow the light stays longer than the darkness. And yesterday was Solar Eclipse. It was pretty weird to see the sharp shadows to fade away on the frozen snow in MyGarden.
Despite of these solar happenings my seeds have started to grow. Just
a week ago I planted them! From the green leaves of my hyacinth you can see faded shadows the Solar Eclipse caused.
The spring causes the buzz in BunnyBarn. Lulu has made a nest. No, no, no. She just thinks she is expecting kits. But she really is not. They all are very lively and fussy. The SpringNesting calls them and that's why we need to make sure no more accidents happen.
I myself have been more relaxed than the bunnies. GrannyDog had her second acupuncture at the vet. She is much better so I have had some time to rest and read. At the moment I am reading
Richard C. Morais' The Hundred-foot journey. I usually hate "food books" and "cook books". But in this book the food nor cooking is the point neither main subject. It is like cooking itself. Every mom knows it. It is written like making a meal. You need to decide what you need or want to cook. Which ingredients you need. Then you need to go through your kitchen and garden to see what you already have. The ones you don't; you need to put on your shopping list. Then you need to arrange your journey to the shops and spend far too much time to seek what you need. Then you carry it all home, put in the fridge, leave on the table and you really need a pause then because there's a laundry to do. Finally it's time for cooking. You take everything you need and start the process. Everything happens meanwhile the dinner is ready. Then you perhaps need to gobble it up because the youngest is screaming and all the mess is left for you in the kitchen when you come back to see is there anything left for you... And later you notice when veryone are already sleeping that your love one has left the last piece of chocolatie pie just for you. It has note "MOLDY" on it to make sure kids don't dare to touch it. This book really is not up to cooking or eating neither gluttony, it is just a delicious story of life.
This is my very old delicious treasure box which I inherit from my DearGrandMother over 30 years ago. It is an OldCandyBox.
This sweet ChocolateBox goes far away because it is EasterTime. With a very old friend of mine we have always had a habbit to send each others Easter Greetings like this.
This time I didn't use EasterStamps. See how the FigureSkaterStamps glow and shine. VerySpecialFinnishStamps.
With LittleLady we had EasterCardFactory today. This year it was up to stickers and glue drops.