Wednesday 18 December 2013

Little bit of this and that

I have finally finished my top secret Xmas project. It needed approximately 250 hours of work. Just don't ask how I found the time. I have no idea. Even finishing it by sewing needed 3½ hours. But now it is all done, hidden and sent to Santa Claus. :)

Since that I have found something I inherit few years ago -meaning six napkins. There's cross stitch border and tiny picture on each. They all are similar. It is old design and I have no idea whose pattern it is. But now I have been sewing by hands the edges of them.

Today I designed one more picture to my "talisman" collection. It is a small project so perhaps I pick it up next. :)

I have baked for Christmas a lot sweet and salty. I also made some chocolate which I had to hide from me. Next days I'll spend walking a circle pretending I don't know where I put the chocolate box... 
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