Sunday, 2 March 2025


Decades ago -yes, it's really decades ago- I received this beautiful Hardanger pillow as a gift from my childhood friend. I like it a lot and so does my grand daughter. It is her pillow now at granny's. That's why in the past 12 months the pillow has faced life more than it did during the past decades as a home decoration item. And that's why it needed proper washing and updating the back side. 

The original design had not the opening for the case. Also, the back side fabric was worn out. That's why I unravel the edges to get off the back side fabric. I made the easy opening by using velcro. So, in the future it will be much easier for me to wash this pillow case. I assume it will face a lot of life because it is the exact size for the toddler.

This is FashionNOW at its best. The squared fabric is from an old dress of mine. I received this hand made dress over a decade ago from a student of mine. It belonged to her daughter who died in cancer before the middle age. In this way the memory of her keeps going on while we also save the planet earth.

Fabrics and crafts can hold so much emotions. We don't even understand it until it hits at our face. For my student it was very important to share the beautiful pieces of her daughter's clothes after her passing away. She donated many to me because I was as small as she was during her past years. I have used her shoes and clothes. This is the final piece left. I didn't fit in so well anymore but had kept the dress because the fabric is still prefect. It just waited for the moment to be needed again. And here is the moment. Here we need the memory of her. And in this way it will keep on bringing the joy to the life as a part of the pillow case of a small child who loves it. With a gift from my childhood friend.

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