Saturday, 8 February 2025


For Yule 2024 YoungLady didn't receive any new pair of woollen socks. Instead she received the old patched ones. Her AAW Fair Isle Socks No4 faced a cat catastrophe and she was very sad about it but still loves her cats.

I could easily have just cut off the foot part of the sock and just knit a new one. The problem was, the socks were still in perfect fit. Someone had just chew it in the darkest hours during the night while she was sleeping. I didn't want to waste the material. That´s why I chose the most difficult option. I decided to mend it. That's why I need to use the same method I showed you in ToePart -tutorial. Now I just needed to stay in the middle of everything without cutting off anything.

So, I just (haha, not only just) started to climb up by knitting the hole to be closed. I needed some extra yarn to be able to do so. On the edges I used needle to fasten the side stitches to the new knitted row. So, I didn't knit from a yarn ball but from a long piece of yarn which I was able to pull through the stitches. For that I used the duplicate stitching method.

At the end I need to make sure everything is ok and fastened to something in the way it won't unravel itself. If you really use the woollen socks in your daily life the inside of it like felts quite soon. So, my only concern was to get it all stay in together until the felting begins. When the inside surface starts to felt, it is very difficult to get anything unravel. 

This is how it looks finished. Not perfect, not like the original one. But this was one of my most difficult wool patching project and I spent hours doing it. It was difficult because of the place the chewing appeared: the lowest part of the leg (ankle) and the uppermost part of the heel. In the same time I could have just cut the foot part off and knit a new one. Instead I chose FashionNOW. YoungLady is very happy for it and the whole project. She really appreciates I did this and all the trouble I had for it.
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