Tuesday 28 June 2016

Roses after Rain

Perhaps you remember my Burnet Rose? This is that weak stem and tiny piece of root which I planted on summer 2013. Three years ago. But here it is. More than survived. It still is approx only 50 cm high but has become bigger year by year. Today it opened first blossoms and there is more and more to come! It wants to live! I love it!

This is something I planted this summer. If you plant a rose you should not let it blossom; that's what they say. But what can I do. This is a very special rose for a very special occasion. Because of YoungLady I need to let it show its beauty. But I believe in this rose. It is related to Burnet Rose. I will pamper and cherish it and do my everything to make it survive over the arctic winter. It has the same abilities for that as Burnet Rose so we have good changes.

This rose is original for the property. Perhaps planted on late 40's when the building started. I have let her live since we moved in on 2009. She has been very satisfied and slowly turned out to strong rose fence on the NorthSide of the property.

And this my love, this, this is that disappointment that surprised me. I planted her in tears because I didn't know it was her. I desired something else and got her. Today she is almost 2 m high and lays needed shadow on my green house's WestSide wall which is today actually even more important because it is My BunnyHouse now!  I have decided to let her grow even bigger and wider.

I have had enough of our Siberian pea shrub. It forms out original fence to the East Side. The problem with is that it falls down easily... because of the rain, the wind, the snow... I have decided to create a rose fence also to that side of the property. It stands better the arctic weather if you pick up the right one. It seems roses never let you down.

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