In July I gave the 40th wedding anniversary gift to special people. Finally here's the picture of loved gift. It stands on the place of the honour in their living room. If you take a look at it very careful you notice it is not just converted by a designing programm. It took hours of work to pick up the shades. I didn't want it to look black and white as the original picture. They have big black and white photos on the walls from old times. I wanted the design look naturally old but I wanted it to differ from the original black and white photography. That's why I did also some other changes to the picture.
The frame is great and I was so happy to have it. That's because they have also almost similar framed very old colour picture on the wall.
This is my own photo stitch design. I used a designing programm
to convert the original picture behind 40 years. I did a lot of changes
to get better outfit to this cross stitch project. I rejected almost all
the shades the computer suggested. I did also many other changes.
Coverting a picture to a cross stitch chart by a computer is easy but
programms offer you also possibilities to make it better than the
computer suggests. Computer has no brains so always its suggestions are
not brilliant. It takes some time to do it all by hands but usually it's
needable to do so to get best possible outlook. If I use converting
programms in designing I use the computer's result just as a base on
which I start to create.