Sunday, 24 March 2013

More horses

Now I have decorated more by using decoupage. You can find the results at Other craft site. It's the same horse themed pictures someone loves a lot. I just need to figure out with time what kind of boxes will fit well. They just can't be open boxes because of the cat and her curiosity. And they need to be exact size to be able to take benefit of the space.

 This is an old TV pedestal my hubby made at his teens to fit with cupboard pictured below.

Now we have fixed it to belong together with old decorated cupboard. Yet we didn't find or had time to make matching boxes but the girl thinks these will do perfectly fine. :)

So it came time to decorate a bit. This is an old cupboard which doors got brand new decoupage style. I bought a horse themed decoupage sheet 1½ years ago from a sale and was sure some day I will use it.

 The same theme is docorating the wood panel that hides very old and ugly curtain rods.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Busy hands

Lately I have been knitting scarfs and doing some crocheting. Both are simple crochet & knit design and anyone can do it who knows basics of this craft. The best thing is you can buy brand new yarns or use the loose ends for it.

This is a sewing bag. It's my own design for my friend K. who can store or carry with her in it the projects she has going on. Of course you can use it in other purposes too or when making it, leave it as a round basket. What ever you like and which ever is your purpose.

(On the background is my first ever embroidery project. It's an old design from a craft magazine and of course I needed to start with a huge table cloth instead of a card.)

I designed this scarf. I knitted the base for it by my knitting machine and crocheted the framing and flowers.

I have also paid better attention on a book I got as a birtday gift. It is interesting and I can recommend it to you because of its multiusability. It's 200 Crochet Flowers, Embellishments and Trims by Claire Crompton.

What I need to do next is to make a cd bag for my own use. I have planned that for months but it seems always comes up everything more important. Perhaps I should take this as my spring challenge.
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