Thursday 24 August 2017

AAW Mittens No3

I have knit one more pair my own design mittens. These are exactly similar to AAW Mittens No1 and AAW Mittens No2 but they all differ from each other by the decorative style.

Because it is AAW yarn it has angora effect. It is like mohair. Usually I don't brush / groom the finished products but let the effect pop out during the time. This time I brushed out the mittens to get the angora effect out. The fluffy effect makes the mittens to be even more warmer. These will be a Christmas gift for a person who outdoors a lot in arctic so already starting from the 1st time they'll be warmer than the other mittens I've knit. You can see the difference quite clear on the pic. For grooming I use normal nail brush. I used it also with Babouska LegWarmers. Nail brush does just fine and is much cheaper than specially designed mohair brushes which really seem to be just re-named nail brushes!

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